Sunday, September 4, 2022

 Where We Are NOW In Revelation

By Bill Weather - Main Page - prophecybase

Please first go to to catch up on some background info you will need to see how this view of prophecy fits like a glove. Until you do that, you won’t fully believe until you self educate.

Once you understand this view of prophecy and how the book of Revelation is very chronologically organized and not chaotic, like the Futurist’s view of prophecy, you will be able to see where we are at in the book of Revelation. As pointed out at, we are passed the beasts of Rev 13 and now we are presently at the end of Revelation chapter 16.

The first half of Chapter 16, the first 5 vials or bowls, deals with Catholic Europe, and judgment against it for killing millions of saints. Herein is that interpretation in detail.

In verse 2, the first bowl, the grievous sore upon those who had the mark of the beast was the outbreak of atheism. 

Rev 16:2 – And the 1st went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men, which had the mark of the beast and them which worshiped his image.

As shown earlier how the mark of the beast was all throughout Europe, this outpouring of God’s wrath was on them. These grievous sores are symbolic for the grievous sore of atheism.

In a Dissertation On Prophecies (1806), George Stanley Faber says, The earth is the Roman empire: the men, who bear the mark of the beast and worship his image, are the once superstitious, but now atheistical, members of the Latin Empire and Church: and the noisome and grievous sore, is the delusive spirit of atheism, or that gross lie of Antichrist the denial of the Father and the Son. An open profession of Atheism was made by a whole nation once zealously devoted to the papal superstition, then commenced the eruption of the noisome sore.

Isaiah 1:4-7 the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint... corrupted and full of putrefying sores.

Here we see metaphor in the word, for a “noisome and grievous sore,” and the French Revolution was certainly noisome, with the smell of millions of dead bodies in its path!

In Horae Apocalypticae, Edward Bishop Elliott says, that tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, of democratic fury, atheism, and vice, which characterized the French Revolution.

Pere Bernard Lambert, a Dominican monk of Province, southern France, described the condition of France as a sick man covered with ulcers.

In Apocalyptic Sketches (1850), John Cumming says, Burke, the most eloquent orator of the day, called it “the epidemic of atheistical fanaticism… from the sole of the foot even unto the head there was no soundness in it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores.

In Lectures on the Book of Revelations (1860), Rev. C.M. Butler says, The French Father Lambert calls the irreligion of the period “a horrible ulcer,”...“the fever of the atheistical fanaticism,” “the malignant French distemper,” “the plaque,” and “the living ulcers...”

Here we have no lack of evidence, this first vial or bowl, was the sore of atheism in southern Europe and France which kindled the coming judgment of the French Revolution.

In the second bowl, the sea becoming blood, were the massive wars of the sea during the French Revolution. The grand slaughters of many men died at sea in those wars.

In the third bowl, it shows the bloody wars surrounding the rivers of Europe, the Rhine, the Danube and the Po rivers. In verses 5 and 6, it shows the French Revolution judgment upon those who killed millions of saints and in those same areas where they were martyred. Here’s the reason for this in verse 6 “For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.”

The fourth bowl, poured out “upon the sun and power was given him to scorch men with fire” Rev 16:8. Notice, it calls the sun a “him”. A sun represents a leader or ruler. Joseph's dream of his dad, mom and brothers bowing to him backs this view, with the Sun representing his Dad. In this case, the sun represents Napoleon. Notice the verse says he “scorched men with fire”. This was the well known scorched earth policy of Napoleon, burning everything in his path throughout Europe.

The 5th bowl in verse 9, the seat of the beast, was the Pope taken prisoner. As we’ve well proven, the beast being the reformed Roman Empire under the control of the Papacy, with Rome being the “seat of the beast.”

Bowl 6 – World War 1 Era

Rev 16:12 - And the 6th angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates and the waters thereof were dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared

The Euphrates here is in the land of the Turks and the Ottoman Empire, its rise in the 15th and 16th centuries, and then its vast decline into the 19th and 20th centuries. It had dried up, and now we are looking for what is symbolically, the kings of the east.

In World War One, everything changed for the Turks. They were defeated and Judea and the middle east were now open. From this, new nations were formed, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. The kingdom of Iraq was founded in 1921. In 1932, Saudi Arabia was founded and in 1946, Jordan. In the chronology of Revelation, these would be the kings of the east formed shortly after the Ottoman Empire drying up, in the land of the Euphrates. Notice it says Armageddon was just being prepared. It had not yet taken place.

Bowl 7 – World War II

Rev 16:17,18 - And the 7th angel poured out his bowl into the air… and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake..

Earthquakes in prophecy represent great upheaval. Verse 18 describes an earthquake greater than any other the earth has ever seen. World War II brought the greatest upheaval globally thus far. Never before in the history of the world, from Japan to London, from Berlin to Washington, has the world experienced, such global change and upheaval.

And the great city was divided into three parts and the city of the nations fell (Rev 16:19).

At the time of World War II, the 3 city states of Washington, London and Rome became united like never before in a new WW2 global reset, much of which, still structurally exists today.

Much of Revelation points to Rome, that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth. However, here it tells us that the great city is divided into three parts. There are those of us who know all the western world is controlled through the three city states of Rome, in the vast network of the Jesuits, London with banking and DC with its global military.

Even back in 1800, President John Adams wrote often to Thomas Jefferson of the powerful Rome centered Jesuits and their highly covert operations of overthrowing kings and governments. Imagine how much further along they are now? However, unlike some conspiracists, I don't believe the Jesuits control China and Russia. Their power is not unlimited.

London is the home of the vast empire of Banking and England has birthed the nations of South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand. It's also the home of the Rothschild banking dynasty and their global hidden hand ruling.

The United States needs no proving of its vast controls in place, of its military, banking, media, tech and big pharma global power.

This is what consists of That Great City and Babylon controlled by the three city states and in a more general sense, the EU, the US and the British.

Consider how the Holy City is about the size of 2/3s of the US. The size of that great city is not just a city, but is as Revelation 17:15 says, sits in multitudes, nations and tongues.

And the cities of the nations fell - Rev 16:19

WW2 brought great upheaval in the cities of the nations, from London to Tokyo, from Berlin to Washington and from Rome to Moscow. All the major centers of power were greatly effected.

Verse 19 says, And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her, the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

I believe this verse 19 is still the WW2 era of Babylon and not the WW3 Revelation 18 Babylon. Like the French Revolution era, this European era also received God’s judgment wrath for not repenting. This is directed at Great Babylon in Rev 16:19. In Rev 18:2 it addresses it as Babylon the Great. As we’ve shown earlier, modern day Babylon is not just the United States, but consists of Europe and England.

And there fell upon men a great hail out of Heaven…and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail... (Rev 16:21).

A great hail out of Heaven sounds like bombs falling from the sky in WW2.

The time of the WW2 era, I believe is here at the end of Revelation 16. This is our present stopping point in the Revelation prophetic chronology, just as WW2 was a stopping point with its global reset, much of which still is structurally in place today. Since going from Revelation 16 into 17, the subject matter changes, this is an indicator also of where I believe the change from this post WW2 era to WW3 begins.

Every description of the first 5 vials matches what took place in the French Revolution, ending the reign of that beast. God used Napoleon and the covert Jesuits backing him (who at that time were in revolt against the Papacy) to judge those lands wherein were slaughtered millions of his saints. And because the US has departed from God and his holy word, we can now expect judgment upon the US, and soon, for it's partaking in the shedding of innocent blood.

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